🔥 High CPU usage on faulty endpoint

🧑‍🎓 tltr Infinite while loop was causing the issue. Write unit tests. Test the exit condition of your while loops. 🐛 Issue We had some kind of serious performance issue on production. The CPU periodically was pegged at 100% and stayed that way until we restarted the Tomcat. It was degrading the overall site performance for quite a while. We had two instances with peak similarly in CPU. Seems like it must be something inside the Tomcat since that’s what is eating the CPU....

July 1, 2022 · 4 min · 805 words · dcebotarenco

🍃 Spring WebClient & Connection Pool

🧑‍🎓 tltr Configure evictInBackground, maxIdleTime and maxLifeTime to clear connections from the connection pool or retry the call or use RestTemplate 🐛 Issue At one of my clients, it was decided no more RestTemplate, all move to 🍃 Spring WebClient. I consider this project very interesting, but it comes with a different mindset which developers do not pay attention to: Non-blocking Event driven Connection pool Back to the client. After each deployment, in a matter of days, we were getting - the connection reset by the peer....

June 29, 2022 · 5 min · 866 words · dcebotarenco

🧰 Nsis vs Python

All companies have a delivery pipeline of the product. Every company can create its own pipeline and choose any strategy to deliver. In this post I’m going to talk about NSIS and Python. I had a task to think about the product deployment in the company I’m working for. Before I got this task, we used to copy paste files via RDP and VPN to the client server and install them manually....

March 1, 2017 · 6 min · 1199 words · dcebotarenco

💪 Power of Bash

We all tend to do our work faster because time costs money. I realized that we lose a lot of time waiting for IDE to start. I use Netbeans IDE and all our work is related to it. For Java modules, we use Maven and, of course, we have some custom goals. Some goals are pure Java, though we have some goals that use SVN for committing, logging, reverting and so on....

February 27, 2017 · 9 min · 1736 words · dcebotarenco

🤖 Skype bot

Intro Once I read a post about a guy who was searching for an apartment in San Francisco. He was annoyed about the fact that searching for “How to find an apartment in San Francisco” on Google yields dozens of pages of advice as a good indicator of apartment hunting and this is a painful process. So he decided to implement a bot in Slack that would help him to search an apartment based on scraping data from websites and notifying him about the cheapest and closest apartment around him....

February 7, 2017 · 8 min · 1524 words · dcebotarenco