
Refactor code from testcase by class to testcase by fixture

My opinion based on references:

The post contains text snippets from books.

Testcase Class per what? - Fixture Strategy Management

How do we organize our Test Methods onto Testcase Classes?

There are a couple of ways to organize tests. This will change over the life of our project. A method is part of a Testcase Class. Should we put all our Test Methods onto a single Testcase Class for the application? Or should we create a Testcase Class for each Test Method? Of course, the right answer lies somewhere between these two extremes, and it will change over the life of our project.

  • Testcase Class per Class
  • Testcase Class per Feature
  • Testcase Class per Fixture
  • Testcase Super class
  • Test Helper

Testcase Class per Class

We put all the Test Methods for one SUT class onto a single Testcase Class

TestcaseByClass.png When we write our first few Test Methods, we can put them all onto a single Testcase Class. As the number of Test Methods increases, we will likely want to split the Testcase Class so that one Testcase Class per Class is tested, which reduces the number of Test Methods per class . As those Testcase Classes get too big, we usually split the classes further(do we?). In that case, we need to decide which Test Methods to include in each Testcase Class.

Testcase Class per Feature

We group the Test Methods onto Testcase Classes based on which testable feature of the SUT they exercise.

TestcaseByFeature.png As the number of Test Methods increases, we must decide which Testcase Class to assign each Test Method, impacting our ability to grasp the overall test structure. It also influences our fixture setup approach. Using a Testcase Class per Feature allows us to divide a large Testcase Class into smaller ones systematically, without modifying the Test Methods.

This approach is suitable when we have a substantial number of Test Methods and want to emphasize the specification of each SUT feature. However, it doesn’t simplify or enhance the understanding of individual Test Methods; only Testcase Class per Fixture accomplishes that. Additionally, if each SUT feature only requires one or two tests, it’s more practical to stick with a single Testcase Class per Class. Note that having a large number of features on a class is a “smell” indicating the possibility that the class might have too many responsibilities.

Testcase Class per Fixture

We organize Test Methods into Testcase Classes based on commonality of the test fixture.

TestcaseByFixture.png An alternative perspective suggests grouping Test Methods that share the same test fixture into one Testcase Class per Fixture. This allows for centralized fixture setup code in the setUp method, but may scatter test conditions across multiple Testcase Classes.

Organizing Test Methods based on the required test fixture simplifies individual tests by utilizing Implicit Setup. The Testcase Class per Fixture pattern is suitable when multiple Test Methods need an identical fixture and emphasizes simplicity. However, if each test requires a unique fixture, this pattern becomes less practical, resulting in numerous single-test classes. In such cases, Testcase Class per Feature or Testcase Class per Class may be more appropriate.

An advantage of Testcase Class per Fixture is its ability to easily identify if all operations from each starting state are being tested. This pattern aids in discovering Missing Unit Tests prior to production, especially when viewing an outline or method browser in an IDE.

Testcase Class per Fixture aligns with behavior-driven development and promotes concise test methods with a focus on a single assertion. Combined with descriptive test method names, this pattern facilitates tests serving as documentation. A side effect is an increased number of Testcase Classes, which can be grouped using nested folders, packages, or namespaces dedicated to these test classes.

Testcase Super class

We group the Test Methods onto Testcase Classes based on which testable feature of the SUT they exercise.

TestcaseSuperClass.png When encountering the need for repeated logic in multiple tests, we can address it by utilizing Test Utility Methods. The question then arises: Where should these Test Utility Methods be placed?

One option is to use a Testcase Superclass as a centralized location for Test Utility Methods. By subclassing this Testcase Superclass, we can reuse the utility methods across multiple Testcase Classes. This approach assumes that our programming language supports inheritance, there are no conflicting uses of inheritance, and the Test Utility Method does not require access to specific types that are not visible from the Testcase Superclass. The same tells us Kent Beck in his chapter “Fixture”.

Each new kind of fixture should be a new subclass of TestCase.

Test Helper

We define a helper class to hold any Test Utility Methods we want to reuse in several tests.

TestHelper.png We can use a Test Helper if we wish to share logic or variables between several Testcase Classes and cannot (or choose not to) find or define a Testcase Superclass from which we might otherwise subclass all tests that require this logic.

The decision between Testcase Superclass and Test Helper all comes down to type visibility. The client classes need to be able to see the Test Utility Method and the Test Utility Method needs to be able to see all the types and classes it depends on. When it doesn’t depend on many types or when everything it depends on is visible from a single place, like a DTO in a package on the boundary of the application, the Test Utility Method can be put into a common Testcase Superclass we define for that controller. If it depends on types/classes that cannot be seen from a single place that all the clients can see, it may be necessary to put it on a Test Helper in the appropriate test package or subsystem.

Variation: Object Mother

The xUnit book mentions multiple variations of the Test Helper. But I’d like to pay attention a bit to the variation: Object Mother. In my opinion, this particular topic is tricky. Gerard Meszaros says:

The Object Mother pattern is simply an aggregate of several other patterns, each of which makes a small but significant contribution to making the test fixture easier to manage. The Object Mother consists of one or more Test Helpers that provide Creation Methods and Attachment Methods , which our tests then use to create ready-to-use test fixture objects. Object Mothers often provide several Creation Methods that create instances of the same class, where each method results in a test object in a different starting state. Because there is no single, crisp definition of what someone means by “Object Mother,” it is advisable to refer to the individual patterns when referring to specific capabilities of the Object Mother.

Martin says (

The first move is to create fixture in the setup method of an xunit test - that way it can be reused in multiple tests. But the trouble with this is often you need similar data in multiple test classes. At this point it makes sense to have a factory object that can return standard fixtures.

Here “stardard fixture” contradicts the “reuse the design of the text fixture across the many tests” from xUnit. But then Martin acknowledges that Object Mother will couple your code to the standard fixture.

Object Mothers do have their faults. In particular there’s a heavy coupling in that many tests will depend on the exact data in the mothers. As a result it’s tricky should you want to change that standard data for any reason.

The purpose of the pattern is to generate business objects that resemble as closely as possible actual objects that will exist in production.

In my opinion, Object Mother is the last resort of creation an object in a valid state. It should create the object in a minimal valid state for the test. I see some disadvantages in Object Mother pattern:

  • Each time developers want a new different variation of data, a new factory method is created, making the Object Mother big and hard to learn.
  • Sometimes developers use the creation methods to create on object for all use cases like ObjectMother.complete() or ObjectMother.someObject(). This return the object with all the fields populated, but it is unclear in what state objects are created without diving in the external class. Thus these methods end up being used across the code base.
  • In an active development, the model changes over a day as well as Mother Objects. Thus, we would have to maintain additional classes and the correctness of the business objects created. As the original paper says, we would have potentially to sign off the real objects with the analysts, if we have this luxury.
    • Because of this, on one of our projects, we actually had developers pairing with analysts in order to ensure that the objects being generated by the pattern were as close as possible to the real thing.

  • Looking the ObjectMother - Easing Test Object Creation in XP authors work with plain POJOs, default constructors, setters and getter. While the process of creating an object can indeed be extracted in factory methods, attachment methods, in my opinion, and some pieces of code could be part of the constructor with required arguments, as well as attachment methods may be replaced with rich domain model vs anemic model.
  • An alternative to Object Mother maybe be the Test Data Builders idea from Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Test

Choosing a Test Method Organization Strategy

Clearly, there is no single best practice we can always follow. The best practice is the one that is most appropriate for the particular circumstance.

Testcase Class by Class is very popular and the default way of grouping tests. When we have a lot of Mockito stubs in each test method, and it grows, and we tend to copy/paste the stubs in each test, any you cannot push them on the class level because you will start guessing which is used when, its clear that something is not good, we have multiple fixtures in one class, we have to take action.

Testcase Class per Fixture is commonly used when we are writing unit tests for stateful objects and each method needs to be tested in each state of the object.

Testcase Class per Feature is more appropriate when we are writing customer tests against a Service Facade; It enables us to keep all the tests for a customer-recognizable feature together. When each test needs a slightly different fixture, the right answer may be to select the Testcase Class per Feature pattern.


Having the Testcase per Fixture, I will share common utility methods in an Testcase Super class shared across the classes of that use case. If the use case has negative flows, I would move some common methods in the super class apply.

I can share the ObjectMother but not as a global static method. It should be either package private limited to the suite of tests. ObjectMother should have proper method names as in the paper. You should be able to combine different objects with different attachment methods.

For object creation, I consider the constructors with required arguments. If the object state grows and differs, and the telescopic constructors emerge, then I will use builder pattern with internal validations in build().

I would think twice if I have to extract it in a Test Helper aka Object Mother. I rekon there is code duplication, “But there are different kinds of duplication”. There is an idea from “Clean Architecture” from Uncle Bob I kinda like:

Then there is false or accidental duplication. If two apparently duplicated sections of code evolve along different paths—if they change at different rates, and for different reasons—then they are not true duplicates. Now imagine two use cases that have very similar screen structures. The architects will likely be strongly tempted to share the code for that structure. But should they? Is that true duplication? Or it is accidental?

We are at the cross roads if we have to share the same data structure and state or not. We either might fall into a standard/general fixture setup for 2 use cases, or we have code duplication in both use cases. Choose wisely..